3 Tips for Overcoming Hair Envy

Many of us have been envious of another naturalista’s curls at some point on our natural hair journey. It can be challenging to let go of that envy, which is why we’re sharing a few tips on how to overcome those negative feelings and cherish your own strands.

Be mindful of your social media intake Hair envy

One of the great things about living in the digital age is that social networking sites such as Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter allow naturalistas to easily connect with and celebrate each other through photos, videos and other types of content. This is no doubt a gift, but it can also be a curse.

Continue reading my post on Audacity to be You(nique).

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3 Things I Wish Someone Would’ve Told Me Before I Went Natural

Going natural has been one of the most difficult and rewarding decisions I’ve ever made as a young black woman.Wish I'd Known

I started transitioning six years ago and have been fully natural for a little over two years, and in this time my hair and I have experienced countless fights and failures, alongside some well-deserved wins.

These are a handful of the things I wish some veteran naturalista would’ve shared with me before I embarked on my kinky hair journey.

Continue reading my post on Audacity to be You(nique).

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Newly natural? Avoid these 3 hair care myths

When you make the decision to step over to the natural side, you’ll have to face some trial and error before you perfect your hair care regimen. “You’re not going to know what works on your hair until you actually experiment with your own hair and see how it happens,” Annisa LiMara Mitchell, a natural hair and beauty vlogger, told 4c Hair Chick in an interview.

But it’s important to keep an open mind during your hair experimentation phase(s). Don’t get frustrated because your hair doesn’t resemble that YouTube tutorial you watched or Instagram post you saw.

“We kind of get caught up on idolizing other naturals that we see on social media and we forget to look in the mirror,” Mitchell said.

Continue reading my feature on 4c Hair Chick.

What My Mane is Teaching Me About Life

One of the most frustrating, but often fulfilling, things about being a naturalista is that you basically become a part-time hair stylist – without pay.

LifeUnless you hit the salon every week, you are responsible for making your own tresses look presentable. Which is reason No. 1 why I usually default to protective styles. Sometimes I just. Can’t. DEAL.

But there are other times when I enjoy spending time with my hair. I usually dread wash day, but yesterday was different, maybe because I tried a few new products including Shea Moisture’s African black soap purification masque and Gold N Hot’s conditioning heat cap for deep conditioning, and Camille Rose’s nourishing cream leave-in. My hair is happy now, and so am I.

As I was taking the time to care for my mane, I thought about the ways it’s teaching me some life lessons that I will carry with me always:

It’s best to work in sections.

I have Type 4 natural hair which means it’s much more kinky than it is curly, and the shrinkage is REAL. In order for me to manage my hair (and not just stand in front of the mirror sobbing uncontrollably about how I don’t want to deal with the drama that my wet hair brings), I have to break it up into smaller sections and tackle it one section at a time.

The same method can be applied to life. If you have areas of your life that you want to work on, you will get overwhelmed if you try to handle them all at once. Keep it simple and improve one area before you move on to the next.

You can’t get definition without help.

My hair doesn’t “clump” together in curls like other hair types, so I have to rely on butters, creams and pomades to get the curl definition I desire.

In life, you won’t learn everything on your own. There will be people who come into your space to teach you lessons – both good and bad – and help you make sense of things. Yes, independence is important, but you will often have to rely on your relationships with others to gather meaning.

There is no one-size-fits-all.

Snapchat Stoplight Selfie!

Snapchat Stoplight Selfie!

My hair is not like anyone else’s. Just because a certain combination of products or a hair care regimen may work for you does not mean that it works for me. It will take some trial and error before I get it right for my situation.

This is also true in life. As I’ve said before, my journey is my journey. I can most certainly soak up advice and inspiration along the way, but my route is custom-made and I’m more than fine with staying in my lane.

Has your hair taught you any life lessons? Feel free to share in the comments.

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Which Natural Hair Subscription Box is For You?

You’ve seen Instagram posts from your favorite vloggers sharing their excitement over colorful boxes of natural hair goodies. Conditioners, curl creams, gels, shampoos and more! Or as we at 4CHC like to call them, every product junkie’s little piece of heaven on earth.

Just what are these boxed-shaped bundles of joy? And how can you get your hands on one?

Continue reading my post on 4c Hair Chick.

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4c Hair Chick Feature: Artist Ria

If this naturalista could describe her work in three words, they would be: raw, intriguing, and amorous.

Artist Ria – Can't Put Me in a BoxA New York native and happily married mother of two, Artist Ria has commanded the attention of the social media community, fascinating thousands of Instagram followers with the standout style of her drawings and paintings. Most of her pieces are centered on the versatility within the natural hair community.

“I draw a lot of Afro art but I also draw a lot of abstract work. I guess you can call me an ‘everything artist,’” the artist shared in an interview with 4c Hair Chick.

Continue reading my profile of Artist Ria here.


My First Natural Hair Feature!

Yay!!! I’m super4CHC First Post Screenshot excited to share my first ever post for 4c Hair Chick, an online community and platform for women with Type 4 natural hair.

I’ve been wanting to step outside my comfort zone and write about hair for a while and now I’ve done it. I’m ecstatic about being part of the 4CHC team as a contributor; this is only the beginning!

Here’s the link to my post: 5 reasons why I’m a protective style fanatic. Enjoy!